What is disclosure and how does the deadline differ from country to country?

Disclosure, as it relates to renewable energy, is public reporting of consumed electricity that is verified by an EAC. In the REC market, you can voluntarily disclose by reporting your electricity usage to various standards like CDP, RE100, and others. Or you may be required to release this information through a compliance disclosure. In Europe, […]

  • Disclosure, as it relates to renewable energy, is public reporting of consumed electricity that is verified by an EAC. In the REC market, you can voluntarily disclose by reporting your electricity usage to various standards like CDP, RE100, and others. Or you may be required to release this information through a compliance disclosure.
  • In Europe, there is typically a requirement of a compliance disclosure so that consumers can review the seller’s electricity usage. 
  • The primary deadline for most countries is March X + 1 of production year X, however, some countries have different deadlines. For instance, the deadline in the UK is June X + 1 of a production period from April X – March X + 1, while Germany is October X + 1 of production year X.