What is the AIB?
The AIB is the Association of Issuing Bodies, which is a European organization that uses and promotes a standardized system of energy certification, used for issuing, trading, and canceling GOs, called the “European Energy Certificate System” (EECS). At the end of 2021, the AIB had members from 27 European countries with an aim to unite […]
- The AIB is the Association of Issuing Bodies, which is a European organization that uses and promotes a standardized system of energy certification, used for issuing, trading, and canceling GOs, called the “European Energy Certificate System” (EECS). At the end of 2021, the AIB had members from 27 European countries with an aim to unite all European energy attribute tracking systems.
- Trading of GOs can easily occur between AIB countries without the risk of double claims or counting. While trading can occur between non-AIB countries, it’s not advised, as you don’t have the same assurances you would when trading with an AIB country. The AIB continues to add new countries to its registry each year.