corporate buildings among trees
February 27, 2020 • Steph Harris

Part I Exploring how, when, and why carbon offsets are important – as well as their limitations As more organizations around the globe heed an urgent call for climate action, carbon offsets are one tool they can use for near-term emission reductions. While the impact of investing in carbon offset projects is sometimes debated, these […]

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Sunset with transmission towers
February 21, 2020 • 3Degrees Staff

3Degrees crafted a cost-competitive plan for Verisk to address its global greenhouse gas emissions through a diverse portfolio of high-quality energy attribute certificates (EACs) and carbon offsets.

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electric buses fleet
September 25, 2019 • Mark Mondik

As the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the U.S., the transportation sector is exactly where we need to focus our collective efforts to reduce emissions. The solution that will have the biggest impact: transitioning to low-carbon transportation fuels.

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decarbonizing transportation
June 21, 2019 • Christopher Douglas

Mark Mondik, VP of Carbon Markets, 3Degrees, speaks about the ways companies are using carbon offsets to support carbon reduction projects to catalyze change in the transportation sector.  Watch the video

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