Interested in more on renewable energy markets? Download our latest report and subscribe to future editions of 3Degrees’ U.S. Market Insights Report to keep track of market trends and their effects on the renewable energy market landscape in the U.S. Organizations are increasingly setting ambitious clean energy commitments and goals. Renewable energy certificates (RECs) are […]

We were happy to join E-World, Europe’s biggest energy trade show, in Essen, Germany on 23-25 May. Since last year’s conference, the landscape of the energy sector has continued to change. The second half of last year was marked by roaring energy prices that started to cool off after some months. In addition, there were […]

As your organization works to reduce its international energy footprint (Scope 2 emissions) to meet corporate renewable energy goals, you need all the data and resources necessary to move the needle and fast. Our I-RECs and GOs infographic illustrates the similarities and differences of these instruments and provides the quick resource you need to take […]

Since the World Resources Institute (WRI) unveiled new guidance for Scope 2 emissions accounting within the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard back in 2015, there has been an increased focus on global energy purchasing, with more organizations looking for options across the globe. Guarantees of origin One such option is the Guarantee of Origin (GO), […]

Scott Martin, VP, Business Partnerships, and Maya Kelty, Senior Manager, Regulatory Affairs, partner with CDP on an interactive webinar with several 3Degrees clients. Scott and Maya to explore the nuances and complexities of the global renewable energy market. View the webinar Navigating the opportunities and pitfalls of international renewable energy markets from CDP on Vimeo.

In 2015, the World Resources Institute (WRI) unveiled new guidance for Scope 2 emissions accounting within the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard. This update introduced a market-based accounting mechanism that gives companies the opportunity to reduce their Scope 2 emissions through the purchase of renewable energy certificates, PPAs, etc. This provision has driven a new […]