Make scope 3 reductions a priority

No matter where you are in your scope 3 emissions reductions journey, 3Degrees can help


Take the complexity out of addressing your scope 3, or value chain, emissions

Scope 3 typically accounts for the majority of an organisation’s emissions footprint, making it difficult to address. Despite its complexity, your scope 3 needs to be dealt with in order to meet the objectives of various regulations, like the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), and most importantly, limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

3Degrees has scope 3 services to meet you where you are in your climate journey:

  • Measure: Start identifying your value chain emissions and/or financed emissions with a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory using financial-based higher-level estimates on emissions through to deeper activity-based calculations across all relevant scope 3 categories and analyse the hot spots.
  • Strategise: Set a target for your scope 3 emissions reductions, decide where to focus your reduction efforts, and create a supplier engagement plan.
  • Engage: Start a supplier, or investee, engagement program by engaging partners, both upstream and downstream, to implement emissions reductions through product innovation/design, policy advocacy, or incentives. 
  • Empower: Work with your suppliers or investors to ensure they have the education and resources required to make meaningful emissions reductions.
  • Act: Procure renewable energy and/or carbon credits on behalf of, or with, your suppliers or investors.


285+ MMT
of carbon emissions under strategic advisory at one time

consulting engagements completed
