Set your science-based climate target

Take a critical step in the fight against climate change


Demonstrate a commitment to climate action by setting a credible, science-based emissions reduction target

3Degrees works with organisations to understand their unique objectives and establish best-fit climate goals, whether SBTi, RE100, net zero, or others, along with implementing country-level net zero goals.

  • Our team has experience across all areas of climate consulting, renewable energy procurement, carbon project developments, transportation decarbonisation, renewable fuels, and more to support the complex needs of our clients’ businesses.
  • Our clients range from Fortune 500 companies, non-profit organisations, state and municipal governments, learning institutions, and beyond. We tailor our solutions to each entity’s unique requirements. 
  • Our team of climate experts meets you where you are. We can work with your organisation through every phase of the target setting process, from measuring your footprint and determining projected business as usual emissions to creating a full business case and aligning stakeholders for executive approval.
  • Once you have set your climate target, we can create informed reduction plans, grounded in our expertise, to help you reach your target.

285+ MMT
of carbon emissions under strategic advisory at one time

consulting engagements completed
