In a world where concrete is the second most widely consumed substance, the need for sustainable alternatives is paramount. Traditional concrete production relies heavily on cement, the production of which is responsible for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. CarbiCrete offers a groundbreaking solution with its carbon-negative concrete, revolutionizing the construction industry by consuming more CO2 than it emits. CarbiCrete’s process utilizes steel slag, a typically landfilled byproduct of steel manufacturing. The products are cured with captured biogenic carbon dioxide, completely eliminating the need for cement. This unique CO2 curing process not only avoids emissions associated with cement production, but also permanently removes CO2 from the atmosphere. For every concrete block produced using this method, 2 kg of CO2 emissions are avoided, and for every 2,000 blocks, 1 ton of CO2 is permanently mineralized. The process also enables the production of other cement-free masonry and hardscape products, like pavers and retaining walls.
Concrete production has proven to be a difficult sector to decarbonize, but injected carbon offers the industry a scalable way to store carbon and avoid the use of cement. The CarbiCrete process embeds CO2 feedstocks in the concrete during the curing process, which become permanently trapped ‘rock’ in the concrete’s structure, with no chance of escaping into the atmosphere. Now mineralized, the CO2 remains part of the concrete even if it’s demolished.
Since commencing commercial-scale production in Quebec in late 2023, CarbiCrete has been working to rapidly expand its production in Canada, Europe and the United States. Partnerships with industry leaders such as Lafarge, Patio Drummond, and Canal Block have been instrumental in these developments. Lafarge grinds raw steel slag into the cementitious material for CarbiCrete’s processes, while Patio Drummond and Canal Block are key producers of CarbiCrete concrete products.
Emission reductions at CarbiCrete’s facilities will be quantified using the VM0043 Methodology for CO2 Utilization in Concrete and/or Puro’s Carbonated Materials Methodology for CO2 removal, with reductions verified and delivered annually. 3Degrees manages the credits generated by CarbiCrete, overseeing everything from verification to the marketing and sale of the environmental attributes. Companies that purchase high-quality, verifiable carbon credits from projects like CarbiCrete support early stage low carbon cement and help startups drive down the green premium of their product and unlock financing to scale and grow their facilities.
PROJECT TYPE: Engineered Carbon Removal via Mineralization
LOCATION: Quebec, Canada
VERIFICATION: Verra or Puro.Earth
This project contributes directly to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations:
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by countries in global partnership to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.

The project’s carbon-negative concrete technology is used to manufacture products for both infrastructure projects, as well as landscaping applications, promoting sustainability in a hard-to-decarbonize industry. This technology not only reduces the carbon footprint of concrete production but also supports landfill waste reduction by repurposing steel slag. By leveraging existing infrastructure and construction economies, CarbiCrete makes an immediate climate impact. The low-carbon concrete produced actively contributes to the decarbonization of the built environment, significantly lowering the embodied carbon of any project in which it is used.

The retrofit deployment of this technology generally requires no additional land use and the minimal execution time make it a cost-effective solution for the construction industry.

The use of CarbiCrete promotes sustainable industrial development, driving productivity, job creation, and economic growth. Additionally, this technology promotes sustainable industrial development, creating job opportunities and fostering social inclusion.