Scope 3 and renewable energy position papger
Renewable Energy Procurement
Renewable Energy Procurement
White Paper

Addressing scope 3 emissions with renewable energy: A guide for organizations

Scope 3 emissions represent more than 90% of most organizations’ total carbon footprint, yet only 15% of organizations have set a scope 3 emission reduction target according to CDP data. Scope 3 decarbonization needs to be a key focus area for organizations, and standards bodies recognize this and emphasize its importance. 

One actionable path that organizations can take is implementing supplier renewable energy programs. These programs can lead to material reductions in your scope 3 and enable your suppliers to take action.

Our position paper examines renewable energy as a scope 3 decarbonization solution, so you can partner with your supply chain to build a successful program. Fill out the form below to get your sector-specific copy of the paper.