Carbon Insetting
and Supply Chain Intervention

Leading emission reduction opportunities
within your supply chain

While offsetting often involves compensating for emissions by investing in external projects, insetting, often referred to as supply chain intervention, focuses on reducing emissions from within. It’s about identifying and implementing emission reduction projects at various stages of the supply chain, making a direct, localized impact.

Insetting projects can take many forms, from advanced manure management systems on dairy farms to sustainable farming practices to renewable energy installations, and beyond. The key is that these projects should align with the organization’s sustainability goals and drive reductions that wouldn’t have occurred otherwise.

Insetting enables organizations to mitigate their carbon footprint while making a meaningful contribution to the communities and environments they operate. It’s an approach that represents the future of sustainability, allowing organizations to go beyond just meeting their carbon goals – they can transform supply chains, create positive change, and make a real difference in the world.

Partners in Sustainability


3Degrees is your full service supply chain project partner to help your organization:

Scale the financing of supply chain projects with project purchase pools that provide cost-share flexibility to project participants.

Identify optimal technologies and source projects that meet your unique requirements. 

Quantify GHG emission reductions and ensure project benefits are defensible and reportable to stakeholders.

3Degrees’ Agriculture Project Pipeline


  • With over 150 projects in our pipeline, 3Degrees has built what may be the largest pipeline of supply chain projects in North America. 


  • In addition to existing projects,  our broad network of technology and co-development partners, helps us conduct an efficient search for additional project opportunities


*Pipeline as of October 13, 2023. Does not include renewable energy supply or removals.