Renewable Energy
Other International EACs

Address your scope 2 footprint around the world
In hundreds of countries around the world, international energy attribute certificates (EACs) provide corporate buyers with a credible mechanism to support renewable energy and address their global scope 2 emissions. 3Degrees supplies international renewable energy certificates (I-RECs), tradable instruments for global renewables (TIGRs), large-scale generation certificates (LGCs), New Zealand energy certificates (NZ-ECs), J-Credits, and non-fossil value certificates (NFCs) to organizations looking to address their comprehensive electricity footprint and meet their international sustainability goals. These country-specific instruments function exactly like other EACs — one certificate allows an end-use consumer to claim the use of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy in that market.
EAC technology options
With so many renewable energy products available across the globe, it can be complicated to try to navigate the landscape of options. 3Degrees partners with clients to help them understand the similarities and differences across these options, and ensures that companies select the right products to meet their specific sustainability and claims goals.

Small hydro

Large hydro

Onshore wind

Offshore wind



Factors to consider when selecting a product
- Country of generation/location
- Technology
- Vintage (generation window)
- Online date
- Co-benefits and ecolabels (EKO Energy, P-REC or UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs))

Types of EACs
International renewable energy certificates (I-RECs) are available in 50+ countries across Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. TIGRs are another renewable energy instrument that are often available in the same regions as I-RECs.
Tradable instruments for global renewables (TIGRs) are traded on the TIGRs Registry, a tracking and trading platform for global EACs. TIGRs are primarily used in Asia and Central America. I-RECs are typically also available in the same countries as TIGRs.
In Australia, large-scale renewable energy projects — wind or solar farms, and hydroelectric power plants — create a type of EAC called large-scale generation credits (LGCs). Similar to RECs in North America, LGCs are used to comply with Australia’s renewable energy target, which means that LGCs used in the voluntary market have an incremental impact on supporting renewable energy above and beyond compliance targets.
J-Credits are tradable renewable energy instruments used in Japan. They are an emission reduction instrument recognized for renewable energy claims by CDP and RE100 when issued from qualifying facilities.
In New Zealand, eligible renewable energy devices create New Zealand energy certificates (NZ-ECs), which are traded on the New Zealand Energy Certificate System (NZECS) registry.
Japanese non-fossil value certificates (NFCs) are EACs used in Japan’s compliance and voluntary renewable energy markets. NFCs are issued to renewable generation projects across many types of renewable energy. When tracked with corresponding environmental attributes and issued from qualifying facilities, NFCs are recognized for renewable energy claims by CDP and RE100.
Regulatory environment & voluntary standards
Companies procuring global EACs should be aware that the existence of diverse regulatory environments means that availability and claims vary regionally. For example, even if an EAC meets essential scope 2 quality criteria, it may not qualify for regulatory surplus. Additionally, CDP and RE100 reporting requirements impose strict geographic market boundaries for all EACs. 3Degrees offers EACs that consider any regional regulations and are compliant with all of the reporting initiatives, working closely with customers to ensure their renewable energy goals are met.

3Degrees helps companies evaluate options for increasing their impact, such as adding ecolabel certification to their Guarantee of Origin purchase. We are proud to be a licensed supplier of EKOenergy certified GOs. In 2023, 3Degrees was the recipient of the EKOenergy Oak Award for being the largest seller of EKOenergy-labelled electricity in 2022, as well as the 2023 EKOenergy Bamboo Award for the highest growth percentage of EKOenergy sales in the past year.
Suggested insights
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3Degrees works with renewable energy project developers across the globe. If you’re a developer, we’d love to connect with you.