Position Paper

Journey to Zero: Four key action areas to achieve net zero emissions

Net Zero
Net Zero

To address the growing climate crisis, more organizations than ever before are setting climate goals, such as net zero, carbon neutrality, or SBTi goals. But committing to reach net zero emissions and executing on climate goals are two very different things. In this free “Journey to Zero” white paper, we’ll discuss how organizations can embrace this climate opportunity, and outline the four key action areas to help companies get started on their journey to zero, including:

  • Fully integrating decarbonization efforts into an organization’s business strategy — from articulating a business case for action, to taking inventory on GHG emissions.
  • Actions that organizations can take to address their emissions from operational activities. For example: electricity purchased to operate office and manufacturing facilities where fossil fuels are burned to make the electricity
  • Addressing Scope 3 value chain emissions, which constitute the majority of GHG emissions for most organizations
  • Using carbon credits — also known as carbon offsets or verified emissions reductions or removals (VERs) — to compensate for emissions that remain after all other internal reduction measures have been implemented

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