Stories Inspire Action

Select Your Preferences
The form below is designed to gauge your interest in various options to promote your climate commitments, and to obtain specific levels of approval. By checking these boxes you are agreeing to participate in promotion, and someone from 3Degrees will reach out to discuss the best-fit engagement for your company (subject to availability).

A case study draft is written by 3Degrees, and your team is able to provide input and confirm internal alignment. After review and approval from your team, the case study is published on our website, included in our newsletter and promoted on social media. Customers are welcome to promote the case study on their channels as well. Click to view.

Your climate work is showcased in a 3Degrees-designed and -hosted webinar that amplifies your story. This can be a nice complement to a published case study, but may also be a standalone effort. Click to view.

Your climate action is shared in an official statement announcing the noteworthy or materially significant work being done in collaboration with 3Degrees. This is typically posted on the 3Degrees website and shared on social platforms. Customers are welcome to share the press release on their networks as well. Click to view.

Your logo is showcased on our website and in other formats such as presentation decks, one-pagers, web pages and other formats. Click to view.