Download the U.S. Market Insights Report to track renewable market trends and their effects on the energy and PPA landscapes.

Watch our video to learn about the key benefits of biomethane purchase agreements and how they could integrate into your sustainability efforts.

Download this European Market Insights Report to explore wholesale markets, PPA price trends, the regulatory environment, and more.

Learn more about addressing natural gas emissions with renewable natural gas (RNG) and renewable thermal certificates (RTCs).

What’s called Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) in the US, is referred to as Biomethane in the EU. That’s not the only difference between the two regions when it comes to this resource. Learn about the other ways in which these regions differ with our infographic. Please get in touch if you have any questions about […]

Download this European renewable markets report to explore wholesale markets, PPA price trends, the regulatory environment, and more.

In recent years, electricity market prices and trends in the U.S. have been impacted by global geopolitical issues and extreme weather events, among other external pressures. With so many aspects of the market in flux, it can be challenging to stay up-to-speed. We’ve created the inaugural U.S. Renewable Markets Insight Report so that our audience […]

Many natural gas utilities are currently developing strategic plans to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions or realize they will be asked to do so soon. Integrating renewable natural gas (RNG) is an important component of every utility’s plan to decarbonize, and many are considering whether to offer RNG as a voluntary, premium product to customers. […]

Europe is by far the largest and most liquid market for energy attribute certificates globally, and it is poised for further expansion. For decades, Guarantees of Origin (GOs) have been used to claim the consumption of renewable electricity in Europe. Now, the GO system, which is enshrined in EU law through the Renewable Energy Directive, […]