Month: April 2024

Mozilla uses grassroots approach to advance sustainability within their organization

Executive Summary

Mozilla is a mission-driven organization that creates privacy-respecting products and strives to help make the Internet a “healthier, happier place for everyone.” Mozilla is made up of a passionate workforce that values environmental stewardship and launched an internal Environmental Champions program in 2020 to take a grassroots approach to increasing Mozilla’s sustainability. 

To accelerate the progress of the Environmental Champions program, Mozilla partnered with 3Degrees to equip participants with the necessary tools to take action within their respective business units. 

3Degrees conducted a series of nine training and discussion sessions for the Environmental Champions,engaging participants in conversation on the following resources: 

  • The context required to critically consume sustainability-related news and continue learning from it over time
  • The tools and education needed to identify opportunities to reduce emissions across Mozilla
  • A framework to seek approval for sustainability projects 
  • Recommendations on how to build internal buy-in for proposed projects

The program generated a compilation of peer-derived ideas and sustainability themes to jumpstart climate action from within Mozilla. The Environmental Champions who participated stated that they completed the educational series feeling more optimistic about our shared climate future.

Read the full case study below.



Mozilla consists of the non-profit Mozilla Foundation and for-profit Mozilla Corporation, which serves the public benefit goals of the foundation by making privacy-respecting products (like Firefox) that help make the Internet a “healthier, happier place for everyone.” Mozilla is made up of a passionate workforce that values environmental stewardship, accountability, and transparency on both the corporate and philanthropic sides of the organization. 

Because of employees’ desire to take action to reduce Mozilla’s environmental impacts, in 2020 Mozilla launched an internal program called the Environmental Champions, with a mission of empowering employees to increase sustainability both at Mozilla and in their own lives outside of work. The Environmental Champions self-select and commit “to set positive examples and highlight sustainability as a catalyst of innovation” within their own teams. Mozilla partnered with 3Degrees, a certified B Corporation that holds similar values, to accelerate the progress of the Environmental Champions program in equipping employees to take climate action, specifically.


The Environmental Champions all shared a common interest in driving sustainability impact, but they came from various departments at Mozilla, were located all over the world, and held varying degrees of existing sustainability knowledge. The diversity of participants required 3Degrees to create interactive sessions that covered foundational information while also providing opportunities for Champions to test and apply their knowledge. 3Degrees also offered discussion prompts, extensive supplementary resources, and office hours sessions to give the Champions opportunities to delve further into topics of interest and explore how their expertise might set them up to take certain climate actions and develop initiatives in their respective departments.

“As someone with little previous knowledge around sustainability, I found the 3Degrees training to be insightful and easily digestible. The team did a great job of translating complex concepts/information into easy to understand presentations. The team also did a great job of applying concepts to our company’s business model and emissions.”

— Daniela Barbera, Mozilla Environmental Champion


How We Helped


3Degrees conducted a training series for the group on corporate climate and sustainability action made up of five educational sessions, coupled with office hours sessions for Champions to engage in deeper discussion. The training sessions focused on the following topics: 

  • Foundations of climate science and climate action
  • Frameworks and tools for corporate sustainability and climate action
  • Measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Climate justice, digital rights, and environmental policy
  • Sustainability at Mozilla

3Degrees provided pre-read materials ahead of the sessions and supplied extra resources following each session, giving Champions access to in-depth learning from credible sources. These supplementary resources also empowered the Environmental Champions to effectively conduct conversations with colleagues and others outside the program about needs and opportunities for climate action. 

By growing their familiarity with key sustainability concepts, terms, and frameworks, the Environmental Champions were better equipped to consume and interpret climate-related news, respond to climate denialism, consider criticisms of climate action, and identify emissions impacts and reduction opportunities related to their roles at Mozilla.


Throughout the education sessions, 3Degrees first provided context about climate action and emissions reductions, then challenged the Champions to brainstorm various ways each member could take action and drive meaningful sustainability improvements from within their current role.

Next, 3Degrees developed a framework for the Environmental Champions to formally propose new sustainability initiatives, gain approval for dedicating time to them, and build internal buy-in to support implementation of their ideas. This framework served as the foundation for a lively final brainstorming session, during which the Environmental Champions discussed ideas for real projects they could pursue individually or in teams to advance sustainability at Mozilla.

Those project ideas included initiatives like:

  • Offering thoughtful, sustainable incentives for employees who voluntarily increase their personal or work-related sustainability – such as using renewable energy at home, improving energy efficiency at home, or unplugging devices before leaving the office for the weekend – and collecting data on these initiatives’ impact. 
  • Optimizing business travel to reduce emissions, either through knowledge-sharing (e.g., developing a tool that enables travel planning to minimize emissions) or an incentives program.
  • Leveraging Mozilla products to collect and publicly share high-quality educational resources to increase climate awareness, such as credible articles on climate and sustainability topics, the emissions impacts of using the Internet in different ways, or certain web-based products’ sustainability metrics.

The Environmental Champions stated that they completed the educational series feeling that the project ideas they had generated together were a reason to be more optimistic about our shared climate future.

“This training was a great opportunity to meet with colleagues who share the same concerns about climate change and willingness to fight against it in the workplace. It combined great content with interactive sessions, allowing us to apply the knowledge we acquired to the context of Mozilla as well as building a sense of community.”

— Titouan Thibaud, Mozilla Environmental Champion





The full package of materials – the training sessions in combination with the supplementary resources, office hour discussions, project brainstorming, and sustainability project proposal framework – gave the Environmental Champions a jumpstart to work on projects to help Mozilla move forward on sustainability. Key takeaways for Champions included: 

  • The context required to critically consume sustainability-related news and continue learning from it over time
  • The tools and education needed to identify opportunities to reduce emissions across the Mozilla organization
  • A framework to seek approval for sustainability projects 
  • Recommendations on how to build internal buy-in for proposed projects
  • A list of peer-derived ideas and sustainability themes to jumpstart climate action from within Mozilla, upon the training series’ conclusion. 

“Sustainability requires a complete 360 degree approach to be fully successful and to yield positive impact. There needs to be commitment from leadership, a reciprocal exchange of information and expertise from the outside into the organization and vice versa. Last, but certainly not least, there needs to be grassroots engagement from within the employee population. We consider our Mozilla Environmental Champions partners in making the right decisions around sustainability in the most inclusive ways. The 3Degrees Program is an investment in our Champions and in our ongoing progress and success.”

— Ramona Blake, VP Sustainability & DEIB at Mozilla

Highlights from the SEC climate-related disclosures rule (infographic)

SEC climate-related financial disclosure rule header image

The SEC’s new climate-related disclosure rule is complex, so we break down the key highlights in our latest infographic.

The SEC’s Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors aims to address investors’ needs by adopting rules that require registrants to disclose certain information about climate-related risks that have materially impacted (or are reasonably likely to impact) a company’s business strategy, profit and losses financial statement, or financial condition. Key aspects of the final rule Definition of materiality The SEC points to previous rules and Supreme Court precedent. An impact or risk is considered material if there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable investor would consider it important when determining investment or voting decisions. Materiality determination is fact specific and based on quantitative and qualitative considerations. Disclosure of: Climate-related risks with a material impact Climate-related goals and targets that are materially relevant Use of RECs and Carbon Credits, if used as a material component Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions, if material [NOT REQUIRED ICON] Scope 3 emissions Timing Become effective 60 days after published in the Federal Register and then will be phased in.

Check out our blog post for more detailed information or get in touch with one of our climate experts to see how the rule may affect your organization. 

Navigating climate action across heavy industry

Heavy industry is at a critical juncture globally with growing urgency to act on climate change and various sector-specific guidelines being released. Our teams put together an infographic that outlines proactive steps those in heavy industry can take toward reducing their carbon footprint and preparing for new requirements.Heavy industry is at a critical juncture globally, with growing ambition to act on climate change – and varying sector-specific climate guidance has been released by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) while others remain in development. While the SBTi guidance for all of heavy industry is ongoing, other frameworks have been released, like the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero 2050 Roadmap, that highlight that it's essential for companies in heavy industry to take proactive steps towards reducing their carbon footprint and preparing for future market changes. Calculate your emissions footprint to set a credible climate target across all three scopes Measure scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions must be clearly calculated and understood. Scope 1 covers direct emissions, scope 2 includes indirect emissions from purchased electricity, and scope 3 encompasses all other indirect emissions. Significance of scope 3 emissions Scope 3 emissions are grouped into 15 categories by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP). These emissions, especially the “Purchased Goods & Services” and "Use of Sold Product" categories, play a significant role in the heavy industry carbon footprint. Define an effective calculation methodology for operational emission sources Heavy industry energy use, or your scope 2, accounts for about one-third of global energy use, according to World Economic Forum. Develop a framework for identifying the most material of your energy emissions sources. Identify leading scope 3 GHG emission sources Discover the primary greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions sources in your production value chain and where you should focus your efforts. Upcoming policies and regulations World Economic Forum calls out that emissions from the heavy industry sector need to decline 93% by 2050 in order to achieve net zero. These drastic cuts are leading to more stringent policies and national targets for the sector. Stay informed about these forthcoming policies and regulations, such as Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), as they may affect current decarbonization targets and cause them to be insufficient. Build a roadmap and decarbonization strategies Move from easy to difficult When developing your roadmap to reach your climate target, prioritize decarbonization efforts, starting with the easiest-to-reach opportunities—as in those levers that have low cost (or cost savings), high reduction potential, and immediate feasibility. Embrace renewable energy procurement Adopting renewable energy strategies and sustainable procurement practices can help you make significant progress toward emissions reductions. Build a credible, high quality carbon credit strategy Create a credible and high quality carbon credit strategy that is aligned with your company’s goals to address residual emissions that cannot be addressed with technologies available to day. Targeted actions for heavy industry companies Reduction pathways for industrial emissions can be found through material efficiency, energy efficiency, and investing in new technologies for material production like hydrogen, direct electrification, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage. Set climate targets and validate Use all of the information you’ve gathered from the earlier steps to set a climate target, or ensure you have a current target that is effective, verifiable, and aligned with climate science. Benefits of early action Reduced emissions Early climate action can lead to significant reductions in GHG emissions and put you on track to meet upcoming guidance and regulations. Cost savings Proactive sustainability efforts can also result in long-term cost savings.

Download the infographic and reach out to our teams to start your climate action journey today.

Global technology provider commits to near-term SBTi-aligned target across all three scopes

Workers in an information technology company's supply chain packaging up materials.

Executive Summary

CDW, a leading multi-brand provider of information technology solutions, partnered with 3Degrees to further its climate journey by tackling the complexity of its scope 3 measurement and setting an ambitious climate target. The teams navigated a number of complexities, from collecting data across an intricate supply chain, to preparing for differing international regulations, to aligning with varying stakeholder requests.

3Degrees helped CDW achieve progress across four primary projects:

  1. Advancing CDW’s scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) measurements from a spend-based screening to a more comprehensive inventory of value chain emissions that served as a baseline measurement
  2. Creating an internal Climate Task Force that comprises a global, cross-functional leadership team that aided decarbonization strategy and planning, including development of a roadmap to reach its proposed climate target
  3. Gaining executive approval to commit to an ambitious near-term climate target aligned with Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
  4. Building internal buy-in for accelerated climate action through education and engagement, resulting in global alignment

Read the full case study below.



As an international provider of information technology solutions, CDW has a complex greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint. The complexity stems from CDW’s extensive product suite, which includes a variety of hardware, software, and services, each that accumulates its own set of intricate supply chain emissions upstream. Plus, the organization’s emissions footprint spans across the globe due to having customers and products across many countries.

The organization had begun to make progress in its journey to take effective action on climate change, including measuring its scope 1 and 2 emissions. However, given that CDW’s business is centered around its extensive value chain and the majority of its emissions are concentrated in scope 3 categories, quantifying its scope 3 emissions proved to be much more difficult.

CDW also wished to move from measurement to action by using the footprint as a baseline from which to set an emission reduction target and align this climate target with industry best practices, varying climate regulations, and outside stakeholder expectations.

CDW’s global ESG leadership team partnered with 3Degrees teams in the US and Europe to address the complexity of scope 3 measurement, set an ambitious climate target, and expand its climate action to cover its entire global footprint.



CDW was committed to working closely with their partners and customers to manage its largest portion of emissions – scope 3 emissions. Because the first step to managing emissions is measuring them, this requires identifying and engaging the right data owners, providing education on what information is needed and why, and developing a plan to improve data quality over time.

The next step to managing their scope 3 emissions was to set a goal and make a reduction plan. CDW has a unique position within the supply chain as a central connecting link between their partner ecosystem. They had begun to receive requests from their various partners and customers who were also making progress on their climate journeys and looking to CDW to take these steps with them. Understanding their connective role in the supply chain, CDW knew they must work closely with its stakeholders to achieve alignment on its goals, which would ultimately result in collective success.

The final step and challenge CDW would surmount was attaining global alignment on its proposed climate goal and strategy. This involved gaining buy-in across internal leadership to prioritize climate action, while also accommodating various regulations and frameworks across geographies to ensure global coordination and inclusion in formulating the climate program.


How We Helped



In the first year, the 3Degrees team worked with CDW to gather the necessary high-level data to complete a scope 3 screen. These easy-to-collect but less precise data inputs served as a starting point for measurement. The initial screening allowed 3Degrees to identify CDW’s emission hotspots. The following year, CDW focused on those high emission categories for gathering harder-to-collect but more granular data. Specfically, the teams worked together to engage internal and external data owners to identify and incorporate product and supplier data. For example, CDW leveraged its strong relationship with a shipping partner to collaborate and obtain activity level transportation data, which 3Degrees was able to tie directly to CDW’s activities to enhance the accuracy of its measurements.These refinements highlight the value of CDW’s partner relationships and their close collaboration on this journey.

With the completed scope 3 inventory, CDW could now use its total carbon footprint as a baseline for target-setting and emissions reduction projects.



While CDW had already laid some groundwork for setting a climate target, in order to drive a global climate strategy and formalize its commitment to action, CDW worked with 3Degrees to identify a group of global, cross-functional leaders to be a part of CDW’s Climate Task Force. This group of internal stakeholders would help inform CDW’s climate goal by providing input on possible decarbonization strategies, helping document and quantify the impact of actions CDW was already taking, and collecting information to support modeling for various emission scenarios.

In order to prepare the Climate Task Force for this work, 3Degrees developed and presented educational presentations, sent customized handouts, and held focus groups with these key business unit leaders. This resulted in early buy-in, engagement throughout, and ultimately executive approval from CDW’s leadership.

3Degrees presented various credible climate target options based on the current climate action landscape, benchmarking CDW against its partners, customers, and competitors. With input and support from the Climate Task Force, 3Degrees provided a recommendation for an ambitious yet achievable climate goal. This led CDW to commit to a near-term target aligned with Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) across all scopes — including a scope 3 target that is made up of both supplier engagement and absolute reduction targets. Given that CDW’s business relies heavily on its deep relationships with key partners, the company will play a leading role in encouraging climate action throughout its supply chain by working with suppliers to set and achieve SBTs.

CDW will continue to leverage the Climate Task Force going forward to coordinate emission reduction efforts thereby establishing the basis of a governance structure that supports the organization’s overall decarbonization.



As a global organization, CDW is part of a large ecosystem of customers and partners worldwide which requires proactive engagement with its supply chain to align on sustainability goals and objectives. While CDW already had strong relationships with its partners, 3Degrees supported further engagement by applying a climate-specific lens.

First, to achieve this alignment, CDW would need to consider the global aspect of its business and the relevant regulations and frameworks it would be subject to. To accelerate this, 3Degrees supported CDW in reviewing regulations in its key geographies to confirm that its climate action would meet existing and future requirements. CDW’s Climate Task Force included country-specific teams that were crucial in supporting this process.  Additionally, CDW needed to consider that many of its partners and customers had also set their own goals that would affect CDW. For this, CDW relied on the strength of its existing relationships with supply chain partners to understand expectations. 3Degrees helped CDW collect and assess these various inputs in order to verify the inclusivity of its climate goal and thoughtfully construct a plan that would build upon the work of its partners.

By driving these conversations and ensuring alignment early, CDW can move forward with its global climate goal knowing that it has the support of its key stakeholders. In order to achieve its near-term targets, CDW will be working in step with its partners to reduce emissions across its supply chain to drive global decarbonization.

“Given the complexities of climate issues, 3Degrees’ approach of first educating our organization and making deliverables easy to understand by our coworkers in various business units and organizational levels has provided us a solid foundation for decision making. We appreciate their ability to combine climate science, a rapidly evolving regulatory environment, stakeholder expectations, and our company’s business plans as we set our climate reduction targets and conduct risk assessments.”


Information technology employee walking through data centers.


  • Creation of a Climate Task Force to include the perspectives of individuals throughout the entire organization
  • Comprehensive scope 3 inventory that incorporates primary data and helps inform reduction decisions
  • Commitment to a near-term target in line with climate science with the SBTi with three distinct parts*:
    • Reduction in absolute scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions
    • Supplier engagement goal in one scope 3 category
    • Reduction in total scope 3 emissions from remaining categories
  • Alignment with industry best practices, forthcoming regulations, and value chain partners
  • Detailed roadmap to reach near-term SBTi-aligned targets

CDW continues on its sustainability journey, partnering with 3Degrees on other initiatives including climate risk assessment, renewable energy strategy,and implementing a sustainability software platform in an effort to reach its ambitious targets.

*CDW is in the process of validating its target with SBTi.

North Maine Woods – Improved Forest Management

North Maine Woods IFM Project

The painter looks up from her easel and back to the lake. A flash of movement momentarily breaks the still setting, as an enormous horned figure steps into the frame. The moose sends a succession of ripples through the water as it searches for a hearty breakfast. The remote beauty of Maine’s North Woods has inspired generations of artists, like writer Henry David Thoreau. Its solitude invites a calm respite, time to slow down enough to notice the detail in the landscape. This solace could be lost, as the pressures of logging and development weigh heavy on the area. 

Currently the largest undeveloped forest in the Northeastern United States, the northern woods of Maine are changing. The North Maine Woods Forestry Project is located on over 86,000 acres of mixed hardwood and conifer forest, which protects a diverse suite of wildlife, including white-tailed deer, moose and Canada lynx. Significant bodies of water within project boundaries include Baker Lake — breeding habitat for the Common Loon — and the St. John River. The project ensures long-term sustainable management of the forests, and aims to guarantee long-term continuance of all environmental benefits provided by the preservation of the forestland.

With steady, strong demand for pulp and paper production in the area, the forest could otherwise undergo significant commercial timber harvesting. However, with the project in place, management decisions focus on sustainable forest growth with regular, uneven-aged harvests and a significant improvement in the carbon storage and conservation value. All North Maine Woods forestland is certified by third-party Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI).




By committing to maintain forest CO2 stocks through sustainable forest management, the project will provide significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration.  The project is expected to generate more than 3 million tons CO2e emission reductions over the first crediting period of 20 years.


Social / Health:

The North Maine Woods provide water quality protection, wildlife habitat, and recreation opportunities for the public.



The project owner enrolled all acres in the carbon program, hoping that carbon credit pricing could outcompete pulp markets, prioritizing carbon and long-lived wood products over faster-rotation pulpwood management.


3Degrees + carbon offsets

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